*Regular classes are NOT meeting on Mar. 30, Apr. 6, and Apr. 20

*This class is for those who are newly married or parenting children high school age and younger.
Common Ground is a place to connect with other people who are newly married and/or parenting children high-school age and younger who want to grow in Christ and build households of faith with the support of an encouraging community of believers. We gather to study together on Sundays and also for fellowship opportunities.

We will look at a number of prominent Old Testament predictions of the Messiah along with the corresponding New Testament fulfillment of that prediction. Our intention is to show that the Jewish people anticipated a Messiah figure and one did come on the scene. His name is Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah).

Luke 6:40b But everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher.

As the Master Teacher, Jesus gave many parables or stories common people could readily understand. For those who were being transformed by His life and words, the parables would do their work to soften and instruct. But, for those who were merely intrigued by Jesus’ miracles and reputation, the stories would have no deeper meaning…a meaning grasped only by those in whom the Holy Spirit dwells. Join us as we discuss and discover the fascinating meaning of the Kingdom parables recorded in the Gospel of Matthew.

- 9:30am – Class
- 11am – Class
- 9:30am – Class
- 10:30am – Parent pick up for fellowship break
- 11am – Join us for the beginning of the worship service. Kids are dismissed to their teachers after singing
- 9:30am – Class
- 11am – Worship Service
Periodically, we have Family Sundays. These include holiday weekends and when a month has a fifth Sunday. On Family Sundays, the Nursery and Preschool meets like normal. K-5th grade students remain with us for the entire Worship Service at 11am. We incorporate special things, like musical instruments, stories, and other surprises during the Family Sunday services.