Watch the Latest Sermons on YouTube

November 2014

Miracles of Sight and Sound

(Matthew 9:27-33)

The Life Restoring Power of Jesus

(Matthew 9:18-26)

Receiving Sinners, Rejecting the Self-Righteous

(Mattew 9:9-17)

October 2014

Authority to Forgive Sins

(Matthew 9:1-8)

Jesus vs. the Spirit World

(Matthew 8:28-34)

I Am with You

(Matthew 8:23-27)

September 2014


(Matthew 8:1-17)

August 2014

Super-Abundant Grace!

Saying, Hearing and Doing

(Matthew 7:21-27)

Watch Out!

(Matthew 7:15-20)

The Narrow Way

(Matthew 7:13-14)

July 2014

Judgementalism Replaced by Merciful Concern

(Matthew 7:7-12)

Judgementalism…Don’t Fall Into It!

(Matthew 7:1-6)

Worry: Analyzed & Overcome

(Matthew 6:25-34)

June 2014

Values, Vision and Service

(Matthew 6:19-24)